10 Need To Know Tips For ‘First Time’ Expecting Mothers

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Congratulations, you’re pregnant! As a mother who has gone through pregnancy, I know how exciting and overwhelming it can be. But, don’t worry, you got this! While every pregnancy is different, there are some tips and tricks that can help you navigate this beautiful journey. In this blog, I’ll share with you some valuable insights on what to do and what not to do during your first pregnancy. So, sit back, relax and let’s get started!

Here are 5 things women should do during pregnancy

1.) Take care of yourself

It’s essential to prioritize your health during pregnancy.

Get enough rest, eat a balanced diet and stay active. You don’t have to go for a marathon, just take a walk around the park, do some light yoga or other activities that your doctor recommends.

2.) Stay hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is crucial for your body, especially when you’re pregnant.

It can help prevent constipation, urinary tract infections and even preterm labor.

3.) Plan for postpartum care

Pregnancy doesn’t end with delivery.

It’s important to plan for postpartum care, including arranging for help with household tasks, stocking up on essentials like diapers and baby wipes and scheduling follow-up appointments with your doctor.

4.) Prepare for breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can be a rewarding and challenging experience.

It’s important to learn about breastfeeding before your baby arrives, including attending breastfeeding classes, talking to a lactation consultant and purchasing necessary supplies like breast pads and nursing bras.

5.) Stay informed about childbirth options

There are many options for childbirth, including vaginal birth, c-section and natural birth.

It’s important to talk to your doctor or midwife about your options and preferences and to stay informed about the benefits and risks of each option.

here are 5 things women shouldn’t do during pregnancy

1.) Use certain skincare products

Some skincare products, such as retinoids and salicylic acid, can be harmful to your developing baby.

It’s best to avoid them during pregnancy or check with your doctor before using them.

2.) Eat certain types of fish

While fish is generally a healthy food choice during pregnancy, certain types can contain high levels of mercury, which can harm your baby’s developing nervous system.

Avoid eating shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish. It’s safe to eat up to 12 ounces per week of low-mercury fish, such as salmon, shrimp, and canned light tuna.

3.) Use hot tubs or saunas

Spending time in hot tubs or saunas can raise your body temperature, which can be harmful to your developing baby.

It’s best to avoid them during pregnancy.

4.) Ignore mental health

Pregnancy can be stressful and it’s essential to take care of your mental health.

Seek help if you’re feeling anxious, depressed, or overwhelmed.

Your doctor can recommend support groups or therapy options that are safe during pregnancy.

5.) Sleep on your back

During the second and third trimester, sleeping on your back during pregnancy can reduce blood flow to your baby and increase the risk of stillbirth.

It’s best to sleep on your side, preferably your left side, to improve blood flow and oxygen to your baby.

Some fun facts About Babies During Pregnancy

  • Did you know that babies can start tasting flavors from the food their mothers eat as early as 15 weeks? So, eating a balanced diet can help your baby develop a taste for healthy foods early on.
  • Your baby’s heart begins beating around 5-6 weeks after conception. By the time you hear that first “whoosh-whoosh” at your ultrasound, your baby’s heart has already been beating for a while.
  • The average pregnancy lasts for 280 days or 40 weeks. But, don’t worry if you go beyond your due date. Only about 5% of babies are born on their due date, so your little one will arrive when they’re ready.

Pregnancy is an exciting and challenging time. Just remember to take care of yourself, listen to your doctor and reach out for help when you need it. You got this, Mama!

If you found this blog helpful or have any additional tips to share, feel free to comment below. Sharing your experience can help other expecting mothers, and we can all learn from each other.

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