14 Practical Tips To Get Through Those “Bad Mom” Days

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We all have those “bad” days where we just don’t want to do anything. I just want to be your reminder that, it’s ok to not want to be responsible some days. As parents, we juggle so much responsibilities: work, bills, cleaning, cooking, taking care of little people and having to take care of ourselves. It’s a lot. There needs to be some sort of balance between taking care of other things and taking care of YOU. So, keep reading to find ways to get through these bad mommy days and not feel guilty about it.

Why mom’s Need a break on bad mom days

Taking breaks is crucial for everyone’s well-being, especially moms, when they’re having a challenging day. Motherhood can be demanding, and acknowledging the need for breaks is a sign of self-awareness and self-care.

Benefits of taking a break:

  1. Emotional Well-being: Breaks provide an opportunity for you to step back, breathe, and regain emotional balance. Taking a moment away from stressors can help in managing emotions and preventing burnout.
  2. Physical Health: Continuous stress can take a toll on physical health. Breaks allow you to stretch, move around, and alleviate physical tension, promoting overall health.
  3. Mental Clarity: Stepping away from stressful situations, provides mental space. You can use this time to clear your mind, gain perspective, and approach issues with a fresh outlook, leading to better decision-making.
  4. Recharge Energy: Motherhood often requires boundless energy. Taking breaks will allow you to recharge, both physically and mentally. It’s an opportunity to indulge in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, contributing to renewed energy levels.
  5. Enhanced Productivity: Breaks can boost productivity by preventing mental fatigue. Short breaks have been shown to improve focus and concentration, allowing you to return to your tasks with a clearer mind and increased efficiency.
  6. Modeling Healthy Behavior: You serve as role model for your children. Demonstrating the importance of self-care and taking breaks will teach your kids a valuable lesson about managing stress and prioritizing mental well-being.
  7. Strengthening Relationships: Taking breaks allows you to connect with others, whether it’s spending time with family, friends, or engaging in your favorite hobby. Social interactions gives a sense of community and support, creating positive relationships.

15 Ways To Get Through Those
“Bad Mom” Days

1. Take a Break (Even if It’s Just for 5 Minutes):

Sometimes, hiding in the bathroom is the only escape plan you’ve got, and that’s perfectly fine. Enjoy that 5-minutes of down time, mama. You absolutely deserve it, and those 5 minutes can be a game-changer in regaining your positive attitude.

2. Self-Care is Key:

Self-care isn’t all about spa days and fancy rituals. It’s about stealing a few moments for yourself, whether it’s enjoying a piece of chocolate, singing along to your favorite songs, or just sitting in silence with a cup of coffee. Because let’s face it, sometimes silence is our greatest medicine.

3. Give Yourself a Pep Talk:

Ever had a moment where you looked in the mirror and whispered, “You can do this”? Yeah, me too. Motherhood is a daily act of strength and courage. So, pep talk yourself like the amazing mother you are. You’re doing the best, even on the days when you feel like you’re just barely holding it together, you can do this.

Check out these: 45 Affirmations To Boost Your Confidence In Motherhood

4. Seek Support from Other Moms:

Mom friends will never be talked about enough. Share the messy, the chaotic, and overwhelming moments with your mom tribe. They get it. They’ve been there. And sometimes, their stories might just make you snort-laugh, turning a tough day into a funny one.

5. Embrace Imperfection (It’s Called Survival Mode):

Picture this: little lego pieces scattered like confetti on the floor, dishes piled up in the sink, all while you’re still wearing yesterday’s pajamas. Welcome to that survival mode, where imperfection is not just accepted, it’s embraced. Because, let’s be honest, Jennifer Lopez doesn’t have anything on a mom in survival mode.

6. Connect with Your Kids, Even if They’re Acting Like You Know What:

Kids have a knack for turning into tiny terrors when you least expect it. But here’s the secret sauce – connect with them even in that craziness. Dance like nobody’s watching, make silly faces, or have a spontaneous living room picnic. It won’t magically solve the chaos, but it’ll sprinkle some joy into the madness.

7. Give Yourself Permission to Say “No”:

Guess what? It’s okay to say “no” to your friends, family and even strangers. You don’t have to attend that birthday party, give your coworker a ride home, or any other request that threatens your sanity. You’re not a people-pleasing robot, you’re a mom who deserves to take a breather.

8. Lower Your Expectations:

Newsflash: the Insta-perfect mom isn’t real. People love to share moments of when their life is going great, but very rarely do we get to see their bad days. Lower those expectations, mama. Some days, getting everyone fed and semi-clothed is a win. Celebrate those small victories and let go of the pressure of needing to have it all together.

9. Take a Deep Breath (or Scream if You Need To):

Deep breaths are like mini resets for the soul. Inhale some peace, exhale the stress. But if the stress is too much, let out a good scream. Yes, you heard me right. A good scream can be therapeutic. I personally have done this in my car, even while my daughters were in the back, they joined in. We had such a good time, that they will randomly ask me in the car if they can let out a scream. Believe me, it works.

10. Practice Gratitude:

When the day feels like a horror movie, try to find those moments of gratitude. Maybe it’s something little, like enjoying the sunrise, or taking that moment of silence. Practicing gratitude in those wild times is really going to help you to switch your mindset into something more enjoyable.

11. Find Humor in the Situation:

Laughter is the secret weapon you need to use for those tough days. Find humor in the mess, the unexpected, and the ridiculous situations you might find yourself in. A good laugh can turn a seemingly disastrous day into a memory you’ll look back on and make you chuckle.

12. Prioritize Rest (You Deserve It):

The mom hustle is real, but so is your need for rest. Prioritize those precious hours of sleep, even if it means leaving a few dishes in the sink overnight. A well-rested mom is extremely powerful, ready to conquer whatever chaos tomorrow throws her way.

13. Lean on Your Community:

Your mom tribe, your neighbors, your family – they’re the support system you need to be able to rely on. Don’t be afraid to lean on them and ask for help. They’ve got your back, and sometimes, all it takes is a helping hand or a knowing smile to make a tough day a little brighter.

14. Remember that Tomorrow is a New Day:

When all else fails, remember this: tomorrow is a new day, a clean slate, a fresh start. Whatever happened today is in the rearview mirror. Take a deep breath, mama. You’re doing an incredible job, and tomorrow is another chance to mom like a boss.

Let’s face it, we’re not perfect and that’s okay.

So, go ahead and put on your favorite yoga pants, order a pizza for dinner and give yourself permission to be the world’s most relaxed mom. Because even on your worst days, you’re still doing an amazing job raising those little monsters (I mean angels) we call our children.

If you know a mom who could use a laugh and a little encouragement on those tough days, please share this article with her!

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