The Exhausted New Mom’s Guide To Better Sleep

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Are you a new mom who feels like a walking zombie, barely functioning on caffeine and fumes?

Welcome to the club!

Lack of sleep is a rite of passage for new mothers, but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer through it alone.

In this post, we’ll cover all the reasons why you’re not getting any shut-eye and how you can help your baby (and yourself) sleep better. So grab a cup of coffee (or two) and let’s dive in!

Reasons Why You’re Not Sleeping

First things first, let’s talk about why you’re not sleeping. There are a few reasons for this and they all revolve around your precious little one.

  1. Nighttime Feedings – Your baby needs to eat every few hours, even in the middle of the night. So, that means you have to wake up and feed them, leaving you feeling like a sleep-deprived milk machine.
  2. Diaper Changes – Along with feeding, your baby needs regular diaper changes. And if they have a poopy diaper, forget about going back to sleep right away.
  3. Sleep Regressions – Just when you think you’ve got a handle on this whole parenting thing, your baby will hit a sleep regression, causing them to wake up more frequently at night.
  4. Fussy Baby – Some babies are just fussy and need more soothing to fall back asleep. And unfortunately, this can mean you’re up with them for hours on end.

Tips for Helping Your Baby Sleep Better

Now, let’s talk about what you can do to help your baby sleep better. Here are some tried and true tips from experienced moms:

  1. Create A Sleep Routine – Establish a bedtime routine that includes a bath, massage, story and lullabies. This helps signal to your baby that it’s time for sleep.
  2. Swaddle Your Baby – Wrapping your baby snugly in a swaddle can help them feel secure and comforted, making it easier for them to fall asleep.
  3. White Noise – Playing white noise in your baby’s room can help drown out other noises that might wake them up and can also be soothing for the baby and you.
  4. Adjust The Temperature – Make sure your baby’s room is at a comfortable temperature, neither too hot nor too cold. A cozy environment can help promote sleep.

Tips for Getting More Rest Yourself

Now that we’ve covered how to help your baby sleep better, let’s talk about how you can get more rest yourself. These tips may seem simple, but trust me, they can make a world of difference.

1.) Sleep When Baby Sleeps

This is the oldest piece of advice in the book, but it’s true. When your baby is napping, take advantage of the downtime and get some rest yourself.

2.) Ask for Help

Don’t be afraid to ask your partner, family, or friends for help. Even if it’s just for a few hours so you can catch up on sleep, every little bit helps.

3.) Lower Your Expectations

You’re not going to get a full eight hours of uninterrupted sleep for a while, so try to adjust your expectations accordingly. Accept that sleep will be a luxury for a little while.

4.) Take Care of Yourself

Make sure you’re eating well, drinking plenty of water and taking care of your physical and mental health. A well-rested mama is a happy mama.

5.) Take turns with your partner

If you have a partner or spouse, take turns getting up with the baby during the night. This way, each of you can get a good stretch of sleep without feeling completely exhausted the next day.

6.) Let go of perfection

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to have everything perfect. Accept that there will be times when you’ll have to choose between getting a few more minutes of sleep or doing the laundry.

7.) Set up a comfortable sleeping environment

Make your bedroom as comfortable and relaxing as possible. Use blackout curtains or a sleep mask to block out any light, and invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows.

My Last Words For New Mommas

As a new mom, lack of sleep can feel like a never-ending battle.

But remember, this too shall pass. Your baby will eventually start sleeping longer stretches and you’ll start to feel like a human again. In the meantime, use these tips to help your baby (and yourself) sleep better.

Share these tips to help out other new moms rest better.

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