9 Ways To Avoid Arguments With Your Partner And Keep Your Relationship On Track

Relationships are a rollercoaster ride and it’s not always easy to keep the peace when two people with different personalities and preferences come together.

As someone who has been on that ride a few times, I know firsthand how quickly small disagreements can turn into full-blown arguments if not handled properly. But fear not – there are realistic ways to avoid arguments with your partner and keep your relationship on track.

So, whether you’re in the early stages of a new romance or you’ve been with your partner for years, keep reading for some tips and tricks to help you navigate the ups and downs of your relationship without getting derailed by arguments.

Here are 9 Realistic Ways To Avoid Arguments With Your Partner

1.) Communicate openly and honestly – but with kindness

Communication is key in any relationship, but the way you communicate is just as important as what you say.

When discussing sensitive topics or expressing disagreement, make sure to speak in a kind and respectful manner.Avoid using accusatory language or attacking your partner’s character. Instead, focus on the specific issue at hand and use “I” statements to express your feelings.

For example, instead of saying “You always forget to do the dishes,” try saying “I feel overwhelmed when I come home to a sink full of dirty dishes. Can we work together to find a solution?”

2.) Don’t let small issues turn into big ones

It’s easy for small disagreements to snowball into full-blown arguments if they’re not addressed promptly.

If something is bothering you, bring it up as soon as possible. Don’t let it simmer and fester until it becomes a bigger issue than it needs to be.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should argue about every little thing. Some issues are simply not worth getting worked up over. Use your best judgment to determine when to let things go and when to speak up.

3.) Practice active listening

Listening is just as important as speaking in any conversation.

When your partner is expressing their thoughts and feelings, make sure to give them your full attention. Don’t interrupt and try to avoid formulating your response in your head while they’re still speaking.

Instead, focus on truly understanding their perspective. Ask clarifying questions if needed and repeat back what you’ve heard to ensure that you’re on the same page.

4.) Take a break if things get heated

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, disagreements can escalate into arguments.

If things start to get heated, take a break. Go for a walk, do some deep breathing exercises, or take some time to cool off on your own.

Once you’ve both had a chance to calm down, you can come back together and try to work through the issue in a more productive manner.

5.) Remember that nobody is perfect

It’s important to remember that nobody is perfect – including you and your partner. We all make mistakes, and forgiveness is a key component of any healthy relationship.

If your partner makes a mistake, try to approach the situation with compassion and understanding. Remember that they’re only human and that you would want the same level of forgiveness if the situation were reversed.

6.) Find common ground

Sometimes, disagreements arise because you and your partner have different perspectives or values.

However, it’s important to remember that there is likely some common ground between the two of you. Try to find areas of agreement and build on those as a starting point for resolving your differences.

For example, if you disagree about how to spend money, try to identify shared goals and priorities that you can work towards together, such as saving for a down payment on a house or paying off debt.

7.) Choose your battles wisely

Not every issue is worth fighting over. Some things simply aren’t that important in the grand scheme of things.

Before bringing up an issue with your partner, ask yourself whether it’s something that truly matters to you, or whether you’re just looking for something to nitpick about.

If you’re not sure whether an issue is worth addressing, try to imagine how you’ll feel about it a week from now, a month from now, or a year from now. And, if it’s something that will still bother you in the long run, it’s probably worth addressing. If not, it might be best to let it go.

8.) Use humor to diffuse tension

Humor can be a powerful tool in defusing tension and avoiding arguments. Tell a joke, make a silly face, or do something unexpected to break the tension.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should make light of serious issues or use humor as a way to avoid difficult conversations. But if you and your partner are both feeling stressed or tense, a little bit of humor can go a long way in bringing you back to a more positive mindset.

9.) Practice empathy

Empathy – the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and understand their perspective – is an essential component of any healthy relationship.

When you’re in a disagreement with your partner, try to imagine how they’re feeling and what they’re thinking.

Even if you don’t agree with their perspective, try to understand where they’re coming from. This can help you approach the situation with more compassion and empathy, and can help you find a solution that works for both of you.


Relationships take work and avoiding arguments is just one piece of the puzzle. By communicating openly and honestly, practicing active listening, taking breaks when needed and remembering to forgive, you can create a strong and healthy relationship that can weather any storm.

May you fill your relationship with love, laughter, and occasionally resolve disagreements with grace and humor.

If you found these tips helpful in avoiding arguments with your partner, share this post and spread the love! We all deserve to experience the joy and happiness that comes with a harmonious relationship. Let’s help each other get there!

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