65+ Calming Affirmations To Soothe Your Anxious Mind

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Affirmations can be a game-changer for helping you in managing your anxiety. When you consistently feed it positive thoughts through affirmations, your brain starts to create new ‘neural pathways’ influencing your body’s stress response. These neural pathways are the foundation of our habits, how we act, in addition to how we think and feel.  When we focus on gratefulness and positive thoughts, we strengthen the pathways in our brain to feel “happy.” So, repeating positive affirmations make it more automatic for your brain to lean towards optimistic thinking rather than dwelling on any anxious thoughts.

How To Use Affirmations Effectively To Manage Anxiety

  • To harness the full potential of affirmations, personalize and specify your statements. Try something like “I trust myself to handle challenges, and I release anxiety with each breath.” Present tense usage convinces your brain that these positive affirmations are already true.
  • Consistency is always important when trying to create a habit. Make affirmations a regular part of your routine, especially during moments of heightened anxiety. This consistent practice is similar to building a mental muscle – the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes.
  • Incorporate affirmations into your daily life. Whether you speak out loud in front of a mirror, write in a journal, or set reminders on your phone, the goal is integration. Over time, affirmations become an ingrained and automatic part of your thought process, making it easier to confront and overcome your anxious thoughts.

65+ Affirmations To Calm Your Anxiety

My mind is free from anxiety.

I am grounded, safe, and secure in this moment.

My mind is clear, and my thoughts are peaceful.

I trust in the process of life and let go of worries.

I am stronger than my anxious thoughts, and I can overcome any challenge.

With each breath, I am creating a calm and peaceful space within me.

I release the need to control everything and embrace the beauty of uncertainty.

I am surrounded by love and support, and I am not alone in my journey.

Today, I choose peace over anxiety, and I trust that all is well.

I choose to focus on what I can control and let go of what is beyond my reach.

I honor my feelings, but I don’t let them control me.

I am calm and secure in this moment.

My thoughts are clear, and I am at peace.

I trust life and let go of worries.

I am surrounded by love and support.

My thoughts do not control me, I control my thoughts.

Today, I am choosing peaceful thoughts over anxiety.

I am focusing on what I can control and I am in control of my peace.

I always bounce back from setbacks.

Each day is bringing me new opportunities for growth.

I release any tension and welcome calm.

I’m attracting love and positive energy.

I am a magnet for peace and tranquility.

My breath helps to ground me in the present.

Opportunities for growth surround me everyday.

I am capable and equipped to handle everything that comes my way.

I trust the timing of my life, I am exactly where I need to be.

I am worthy of love and respect even on my toughest days.

I surrender to the peaceful flow of my life.

I am surrounded by an abundance of opportunities and possibilities.

I radiate calm energy.

My mind is a powerful force, and I choose to fill it with peace.

I let go of comparisons.

I am open to receiving love and positive energy from the universe.

Abundance surrounds me.

I choose forgiveness.

My past doesn’t define who I am or who I will be.

I trust my journey will unfold as it should.

I trust the wisdom within me to guide me through challenges.

The only validation I need is within myself.

I am at peace with my life choices.

I am at peace with my past, present, and future.

I am a work in progress and that’s okay.

My inner peace is unshakable, regardless of external circumstances.

I let go of fear and embrace the infinite possibilities that life has to offer.

My inner peace is unshakable.

I attract abundance in love, health and wealth.

My life is a reflection of the positive energy I cultivate.

I am unique and valuable.

I becoming a better version of myself everyday.

I let go of past mistakes and focus on the lessons they taught me.

I receive love and kindness.

I am the creator of my own reality.

I trust the journey, even when I don’t understand it.

I am choosing to be kind to myself.

I am capable, strong, and equipped to handle whatever comes my way.

I embrace self-discovery.

I choose to focus on solutions rather than problems.

I am at peace with myself.

I surrender to the flow of life and trust that everything is unfolding as it should.

I am enough as I am.

I am surrounded by opportunities to learn and grow.

I release any doubts about my abilities and embrace my potential.

I release the need for perfection and accept myself as I am.

I trust my intuition and make decisions with confidence.

I am a creator of positive change in my life.

I invite relaxation into my day to day routine.

I am in harmony with the universe.

I navigate uncertainties with grace.

I hope you find some affirmations that you use daily for the rest of your life in moments where you feel anxiety. If these have helped you out, please support my blogging by sharing these with your circle of people <3

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