23 Ways To Get Your Teens Off Their Screens

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Teenagers and cellphones go hand in hand these days, literally. And it’s not uncommon to see them glued to their devices for hours at a time. While I’ll admit, technology can be beneficial in many ways, too much screen time can negatively impact your teen’s physical and mental health, as well as their relationships and academic performance. If you’re concerned about your teen’s electronic use, keep reading for ways to get them off their devices and have them engage in the real world.

8 Negatives Of Too Much Screen Time For Kids

  1. Physical Health Concerns: Too much time on phones and tablets can make kids less active, which might lead to health problems with being overweight or having bad posture.
  2. Sleep Problems: Using screens, especially before bedtime, can mess with how well kids sleep. The light from screens makes it harder for them to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  3. Mental Health Effects: Spending too long on screens has been linked to issues like feeling more anxious or sad and having trouble paying attention. Social media and online platforms can also make kids feel like they’re not good enough or push them to do things they shouldn’t do.
  4. Struggles in School: Too much screen time might make it tough for kids to do well in school. It can make them have a harder time paying attention and learning.
  5. Trouble Making Friends: Relying on the internet to make connections can stop kids from getting good at talking to people face-to-face. They could miss out on learning how to talk and share with others.
  6. Online Dangers: Spending a lot of time online can put kids in danger. They might face things like cyberbullying or talk to people who don’t have the best intentions with them.
  7. Unhealthy Lifestyle Habits: Being on screens too much often comes with other bad habits, like eating unhealthy food and not sleeping well. This can make for a unhealthy lifestyle.
  8. Less Time Playing Outside: Too much screen time might mean kids don’t play outside as much. Playing outside is important for growing up healthy and having fun.

23 Ways To Get Your Teens Off Their Screens

1.) Set clear expectations and boundaries around phone use, such as no phone during meals or after a certain time in the evening.

2.) Be a role model for healthy phone use by setting aside your own device and engaging in other activities.

3.) Encourage your teen to participate in extracurricular activities or hobbies that interest them.

4.) Plan regular family outings or activities that don’t involve screens, such as hiking or playing board games.

5.) Create a charging station in a central location in the house where everyone’s phones are placed during designated times.

6.) Encourage your teen to read books or listen to audiobooks.

7.) Plan a game night with friends or family.

8.) Have regular conversations with your teen about the negative effects of excessive phone use, such as poor sleep quality and decreased social skills.

9.) Encourage your teen to participate in sports or exercise activities.

10.) Plan a family movie night or go to the movies.

11.) Suggest your teen pick up a new hobby, like painting or photography.

12.) Limit the number of apps and social media platforms your teen is allowed to use.

13.) Encourage your teen to volunteer for community service.

14.) Take a family vacation or weekend getaway without phones.

15.) Encourage your teen to learn a new skill, like cooking or sewing.

16.) Create a family challenge or goal that involves putting phones down.

17.) Encourage your teen to join a club or organization at school.

18.) Plan a fun day trip to a local attraction or museum.

19.) Suggest your teen take a class or workshop in something they are interested in.

20.) Encourage your teen to spend time outdoors, like going for a hike or a bike ride.

21.) Organize a family game of charades or other group activity.

22.) Teach your teen to meditate or practice mindfulness.

23.) Create an incentive program for your teen to limit their phone use, like earning points for every hour they spend offline that can be redeemed for rewards.

Getting your teen off their phone can be challenging, but by encouraging them to engage in other activities and setting clear expectations and boundaries, you can help them develop healthy habits and balance their technology use with other aspects of their life.

If you found these 23 tips helpful in limiting your teen’s cellphone use, please share this article with other parents who may be looking for ways to encourage their teens to disconnect from their devices and engage more in real life.

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