12 Practical Steps To Get Your Life Together

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Life can be a challenging at times and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Whether you’re going through a career transition, dealing with personal relationships, or seeking more fulfillment, taking practical steps can help you make a significant difference in your life. In this post, I’ll talk about some actionable strategies you can take to help you get your sh*t together.

Self-Reflection & Goal Setting
To Get Your Life Together

Ask yourself meaningful questions about the areas that you want to change in your life. This self-reflection will lay the groundwork for setting goals that truly resonate with what you want. Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • What are my short and long term goals?
  • What activities and hobbies make me genuinely happy?
  • What are my strengths and how can I leverage them?
  • How can I improve my financial situation?

Goal Setting

The process of setting goals is a powerful tool that can transform your aspirations into tangible realities. Here’s some key steps to effective goal setting:

1. Define Your Vision:

Before you set specific goals, take some time to visualize the life you truly desire. What does success look like for you? What motivates you to want to achieve your goals? This vision will serve as the driving force behind your goals.

2. Set SMART Goals:

Break down your vision into actionable steps, specifically using the “SMART” criteria.

  • Specific: Clearly define what you want to achieve.
  • Measurable: Establish a way to track your progress.
  • Achievable: Make sure your goals are realistic and attainable.
  • Relevant: Align your goals with your overall vision and values.
  • Time-Bound: Set deadlines to create a sense of urgency.

10 More Practical Steps To Get Your Life Together

1. Let go of toxic relationships.

Letting go of toxic relationships, whether its friends or family members that are toxic, can be tough. But, relationships that are filled with drama and negativity are emotionally draining and can keep you from focusing on your personal growth and happiness.

Instead, surround yourself with genuine people who uplift you and encourage you to be the best that you can be. These people will create a good support system for you to fall back on during the hard times in your life.

2. Write down your life goals.


Take some time to think about what truly matters to you in different areas of your life: career, relationships, health, hobbies. Make your goals as specific as possible. What kind of job do you see yourself having? What sort of relationship do you want to be in? How do you visualize health in your life?

Your goals should genuinely matter to you, don’t set goals based on what other people expect from you. Set time frames that can help you stay on track and keep yourself accountable. Periodically review and adjust your goals as you need to.

3. Create a to-do list.

Creating a to do list helps you organize your tasks, responsibilities and your goals. I highly suggest making a daily to-do list, a weekly to-do list and even a monthly one. When you have a clear list of what needs to be done, it can help alleviate your feelings of stress and anxiety.

Put your lists in a place that you can see all the time, like your fridge or a wall in your room. I have a huge calendar that I put up on a side wall in my kitchen, but you can use a notebook, or download apps directly onto your phone.

4. Seek a mentor for guidance.

We aren’t meant to do everything by ourselves. A good mentor for you, is someone who has been through similar life challenges and can show you how to overcome those challenges and make something of yourself. Whether it’s about your career, relationships or personal growth, they can give you advice to help you make better decisions in your life.

To find a mentor, look around you, it can be the boss you have now, a teacher, a family member or a friend that’s a bit ahead in life. There’s also mentorship programs or online platforms like YouTube where you can find people to give you hope and be inspired by.

5. Create a regular routine for yourself.

Routines help you use your time wisely, so you can handle important tasks and avoid wasting it on things that aren’t important. Add good habits to your routine, like healthy eating, and exercise. Both of these can affect your mood and energy levels which is what you need to make sure you feel good and can really tackle the day.

Start by setting up a wake-up and sleep time. Then plan everything else in between: work, exercise, meals, relaxation, etc. Include things that matter to you like personal goals, family time and hobbies. The key is consistency and finding what works best for you.

6. Prioritize your self-care.

Taking time for self-care can improve your mood and outlook on life. When you’re happy and content, it’s easier for you to stay motivated and focused on your goals. Self-care activities like meditation or deep breathing exercises, can help to clear your mind and make it easier to think, plan and make good decisions.

Remember, self-care isn’t selfish, it’s essential for helping you feel better, stay focused and make progress toward getting your life together. So, remind yourself how amazing you are, take that bubble bath on a friday night, and start taking yourself on dates! You deserve it.

7. Learn to say “No”.

Instead of saying “ok” to commitments that don’t align with your goals, say “no”.

Rather than saying “sure” to people who drain your energy with their negativity or lack of ambition, say “not today”.

Taking it even further, say “no” to people who ask for too much or expect too much from you with unrealistic demands.

Doing this will help you set boundaries, prioritize your time and stay focused on your personal goals. It’s not about having that “I don’t give AF” attitude and it doesn’t make you a bad person, it just means you’re taking control of your life.

8. Manage your finances.

When you start learning how to manage your finances, it’ll provide you with financial stability, reduce stress and allow you to work towards your goals. So start educating yourself on personal finance and learn how to invest and save your money wisely.

  • Make a list of your monthly income and expenses.
  • Cut back on spending money.
  • Create a budget and stick to it.
  • Pay off your debt.
  • Start saving and investing your money.

9. Start learning something new.

Learning new things helps you to grow, adapt to changes and expand your horizons. It
contributes to your personal growth and development and increases your confidence.

With this in mind, consider skills that are related to a career you’d like to get into and take courses or get certified to improve your knowledge in that field. Learn things about financial literacy, healthy living, communication skills or learn a new language.

10. Celebrate your progress.

When you acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, it keeps you motivated and reinforces your commitment to your goals.

Celebrating can be simple and doesn’t have to cost a lot. Treat yourself to your favorite meal or take a day off to relax. It’s all about recognizing your hard work and taking time to feel proud of what you’ve accomplished.

If you found these tips helpful, share it with your people to encourage those who also want to get their sh*t together.

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