10 Steps To Start Taking Charge Of Your Life and Make Your Dreams Happen
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The life you live is paved by the dreams you dream, the actions you take and the choices you decide to make. It’s up to you to decide when to acknowledge your own worth and potential and start taking charge of your life. Life is too meaningful to be wasting it away, not fulfilling your purpose. Keep reading to gain some insight and motivation on how to start taking control of your destiny and living your best life.
10 Steps To Make Your Dreams Happen
1: Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
Growth doesn’t happen when you’re sitting comfy on your couch, in your comfort zone. You don’t truly start to grow until you start doing things you’ve never done before and stepping out into the unknown. Whether it’s changing careers or moving to a new city, change is scary, the “unknown” is scary. But sometimes, those scary steps are necessary to become the best version of yourself.
15 Tips To Help You Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone
2: Have Bigger Dreams and Take Bigger Steps
Small dreams might seem attainable, but they won’t light the fire in you. They will lead to small outcomes that keep you stagnant. So, it’s time for you to start dreaming bigger and taking bigger steps. Dreaming big isn’t about magically finding a million dollar check with your name as you walk down the street. It’s more about setting big goals in order for you to stretch your abilities. But, I know bigger goals means more work and can be seen as intimidating for most of us. Which is why it’s important that you break those big goals, into steps that you know will lead to that desired outcome. Those steps are going to keep you motivated in knowing that your dreams are possible.
How To Lay The Foundation Of your big dreams, one bold step at a time
3: Overcome Self-Doubt and Believe in Yourself
Self-doubt is like that little devil on your shoulder holding you back from progress. We’ve all been there too, questioning our own abilities and wondering if we’re able to handle difficult challenges. Truth is: you are. But first, you have to break free from those overwhelming thoughts of self-doubt and start believing in yourself. That requires more than just positive thinking, it demands a shift in your perspective of who you are. No more victimizing yourself, no more excuses, no more doubting what you’re capable of. It’s time to silence that harsh, inner critic and start believing in the power you have to change your circumstances.
12 practical strategies to boost self-confidence to start believing in yourself
4: Create the Life You Want
When you decide you want to start creating the life you want, you have to become intentional with your words and actions. Intentionality will help you avoid feeling lost and uncertain, giving you a sense of purpose in your journey. When you know exactly what you’re after, it’s easier to take steps in the right direction, moving closer to the kind of life you really want to live.
– Write down your priorities
– Set meaningful goals
– Seek opportunities to learn and grow
– Keep going until you make it all happen.
5: Let Go of the Fear of Failure
It’s time to rewire your mind on how you feel about failure. Instead of avoiding it, recognize that failure is actually a part of becoming successful. There are so many success stories of people failing, never giving up, and accomplishing their goals. I know failure can be paralyzing, but take every mistake as a lesson, every bump in the road as a chance to reroute your course. You are more than capable of becoming successful, happy and fulfilled. Start adopting a growth mindset to help you view your failures as learning opportunities. Consistency is what’s going to get you where you want to be. Whether it’s consistently being fearful to try, or consistently going after your dreams. It’s your choice. But, you only truly fail when you stop trying and give up.
6: Go Hard Until You Make It
Whenever we face challenges, it’s easy to throw in the towel and give up. But you’re going to have to get past that and keep it moving if you want to make changes in your life. In order to do that, you to need to be persistent in staying focused on your long-term goals. When you really want something, you go hard at it, no matter how long that takes you. Don’t be scared to take little steps everyday if you need to, but keep your eye on the end goal and constantly remind yourself of your “WHY”.
- Why are you doing this?
- Why do you want this?
- Why shouldn’t you give up?
- Why do you deserve this?
Going hard until you make it means you need to stay committed, even when things get tough, because you deserve the things you want in this life.
7: Speak Life Into Your Dreams
Words have power, they shape our thoughts, beliefs and actions and have the ability to inspire and motivate us. If you think that you are never going to make it, you probably won’t. But, if you have this confidence that you will, you’re going to take actions that lead you on the right path to get to your destination. So, start speaking positive affirmations to yourself to build up confidence in your capabilities. Take the time to visualize what it is you want to be doing in your life. Shift your mindset from a limiting one, to a growth perspective. You can do this, you got this, and you’re going to make sh*t happen for yourself.
8: Connect with Successful People
Your network shapes your net worth, have you heard that before? What about: “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn. Or, birds of a feather flock together? I can’t say it enough, choose your people wisely. Surround yourself with genuine people who are making moves, and inspiring you to do the same. Successful people often have valuable insights, experiences, and knowledge that can guide you into reaching your full potential. You don’t have to do it alone and you also don’t have to meet up with people in person. There’s mentors you can find online and YouTube that’s loaded with inspirational people who can help motivate you to keep going.
9: Get Up and Get Out
The point of getting up and getting out is to set yourself in motion, break free from inertia and take charge of your life. You have to step out of your comfort zone both mentally and physically, and actively engage with the world around you. This is important because it signals to the universe that you are ready for change, growth and progress. Being stagnant can lead to complacency, which will hinder your personal development and hold you back from your real potential. So, start embracing new experiences, face challenges and open yourself up to opportunities that go beyond the familiar. No more waiting for the perfect moment, because the moment is now.
10: Learn Time Management and Avoid Wasted Time
We only have 24 hours in a day and it’s completely up to us what we decide to do with it. Figure out what’s most important to you and focus on that. You have to be putting your energy into what really matters. If you don’t already, start using calendars and to-do lists to stay on top of things, and be picky about what you commit to. If you can, pass on doing too much for others, and limit your distractions. Which means, keep your phone at a far distance, stay off Netflix and focus. Having little habits like this will help you make the most out of your time and build a life that really means something. Remember, the journey to making sh*t happen starts with making every moment count.
5 common time-wasting habits and strategies to overcome them
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