10 Simple Life Tips For Moms For Everyday Life

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Let’s talk about everyday life for us moms.

From juggling school drop offs to wrangling little ones and managing a never-ending to-do list, it’s a wild ride.

As the years of motherhood continue to pass me by, I’ve picked up a few tricks along the way.

So, here are some tips to help you navigate the chaos and keep your sanity intact.

10 Simple Life Tips For Moms For Everyday Life

1. Prioritize self-care

First things first, mama, remember that taking care of yourself is not a luxury—it’s a necessity.

You know how they say, “Put on your oxygen mask first before helping others”? Well, the same applies here. So, squeeze in those precious minutes for self-care, even if it means hiding in the bathroom with a chocolate bar. Trust me, those moments of recharge will make you a superhero in disguise!

2. Establish routines

Now, let’s talk about routines.

Picture this: mornings without a mad rush, kids who know when to brush their teeth, and a house that isn’t a tornado zone.

Sounds like a fantasy, right?

Well, routines can be your secret weapon. Set up schedules for meals, bedtime, and everything in between. This will help you create some sense of stability into your life. It’s like having a personal assistant (except it’s you), and it brings a sense of order to the chaos.

3. Delegate tasks

Superheroes need sidekicks too!

Don’t be shy to delegate tasks. Superman has his Justice League, and you have your own little squad right at home.

Share the load with your partner, get the kids involved, and watch as everyone becomes an expert in laundry-folding and dishwashing. It’s a win-win situation: less work for you, and valuable life lessons for the kiddos.

4. Stay organized

Now, let’s tackle the beast called organization.

Remember all those times you wished for an extra set of hands?

Well, until science catches up, we’ll have to rely on calendars, to-do lists, and Post-it notes.

Embrace them like your newfound best friends. Keep track of appointments, jot down important dates, and conquer those household tasks like the boss you are. A little organization goes a long way in saving your sanity.

I bought a huge dry erase calendar from Home Goods that we keep on a wall in our kitchen. It’s been super handy in keeping my life together. Here’s one that’s really similar on amazon.

5. Simplify meal planning

Meal planning—it’s the holy grail of sanity, isn’t it?

Well, fear not, because we’ve got some shortcuts.

Plan meals ahead of time, consider batch cooking (hello, freezer meals!), or even give those meal delivery services a whirl.

And don’t forget to involve your little master chefs in the kitchen. It not only lightens your load but also sparks their creativity and picky-eater aversion.

6. Practice mindfulness

Now, let’s take a moment to be present, to be mindful.

In the midst of the diaper-changing tornado and tantrum-filled thunderstorms, let’s pause and appreciate the small joys in life.

Mindfulness helps us find calm amidst the chaos, focus our energy, and bring a sprinkle of zen to our lives.

So take a deep breath, mama, and let the magic of mindfulness wash over you.

7. Connect with other moms

Remember, you’re not alone on this rollercoaster ride called motherhood.

Build your tribe, find your fellow warriors, and connect with other moms. They’re the ones who get it, who understand the triumphs and tribulations of raising little humans.

Join local parenting groups, jump into online communities, or chat up the mom next to you at your local grocery store.

Building a support network of other moms can provide emotional support, advice, and companionship.

8. Embrace imperfection

Embrace imperfection!

Let go of the pursuit of perfection because, let’s face it, it’s an elusive myth.

Instead, focus on creating a loving and nurturing environment for your family. Learn from your mistakes, celebrate your victories (no matter how small), and find joy in the messy, beautiful chaos that is motherhood.

Remember that being a mom doesn’t mean being perfect. Give yourself permission to make mistakes and learn from them.

9. Celebrate small victories

Picture this: you finally managed to conquer the mountain of laundry, and your living room floor is visible again.


It may not seem like a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but guess what? It totally is!

Celebrate that triumph like the superhero you are. Give yourself a high-five and treat yourself to a victory snack (chocolate, anyone?).

Acknowledge and celebrate the little accomplishments, both for yourself and your children. It boosts morale and reinforces positive behavior.

10. Have fun and be silly

Last but not least, don’t forget to let loose, have fun, and be silly with your kids.

Play games, have dance parties, or engage in imaginative play. These moments create lasting memories and strengthen the bond with your children.

Remember, being a mom is a journey

And each day brings new challenges and joys. Be kind to yourself, trust your instincts, and enjoy the precious moments with your family.

If you enjoyed these tips and found them helpful, spread the love with your mom squad! Let’s continue supporting and cheering each other on in this incredible journey called motherhood.

So, here’s to you, my fellow moms! Take these tips, sprinkle them with your own magic, and let’s conquer each day together. You’ve got this, supermom! And remember, when in doubt, just add a little sprinkle of silliness and have fun with your kids. Because in the end, it’s those precious moments and belly laughs that make it all worth it.

Now, go out there and rock this mom thing like the superhero you are!

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